Gathering of Geeks S01E07: Heli M.


Gathering of Geeks returns in April with the first non-musician special geek, but don’t think we don’t talk about metal! Heli is known for making costumes for bands we all know and love, like Whispered and Everfrost, and can be seen on the cover of at least one Machinae Supremacy single! Our main topics include cosplay, conventions, video games (mainly Final Fantasy and Resident Evil), board games, and more!

See a few choice samples of Heli’s cosplay, hear some convention tales, and catch a rare glimpse of Bear with her beard on!

Gathering of Geeks ft. Heli M. (S01E07)


Gathering of Geeks S01E08: The Mosfets


Gathering of Geeks S01E06: Frozen Factory