Sample Writing is now available!

Well hello there,

I talk a big game about being a writer, but I don’t expect anyone to take me at my word for it. So, some sample writing is going to be added to my site. I’ve already expanded the home page to include the most current sample writing, which is currently a flash fiction piece called Magic is Real.” Check it out and see what you think!

I’ll also be sharing monthly or so summaries in my blog of what I’ve been doing over at Tuonela Magazine and otherwise, so if you’re interested in music, check it out and see what’s going on there!

Also, stay tuned, as Islands of Nightsea has lots going on now as well! Hopefully you can check back soon and find something of interest!

- Bear Wiseman


Songs & Stories: Ember Falls - “Heart Shaped Black Scar”


Reinhardt (RIP)