Bear’s Creative Writing

Direct artist support!

Did you know that Amazon takes a 65% royalty cut from digital books? If you think that’s as insane as I do, consider buying my books directly from me! I’m a very low-level artist at the moment and as you can see below, many of my shortest pieces of work are available to you here for free. However, stories like Soulsong and Adrift have been published on services like Amazon, Google, and Kobo, which take various cuts (Amazon being the obvious worst). If you’re interested in supporting me and not feeding into the corporate world that doesn’t care about artists, you can get my stories straight from me and skip all of the intermediaries.

If you PayPal me my requested fee and tell me which story/stories you’d like to have, I’ll email the story to your PayPal email address, along with a thank you!

My PayPal account is bearthewiseman (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you!