In Loving Memory of My Cubawan

You know I see you, right?

I see all of those things that you hoped people would notice, but never did, until you forgot them yourself. 

I see the sweet little boy who just wanted to be loved, but who couldn’t find it at home, so he hid himself away. 

I see the broken teenager who had no guidance or support, who lashed out because he didn’t know how else to deal with things.

I see the clever young man who was able to survive day-to-day on his own, hardly able to ask for help unless things were dire, doing whatever needed to be done.

I see someone desperately in need of love. 

And I love you.

I see that loving someone back is difficult when you’ve never been taught what being loved feels like.

I see that all those painful years left you barren and without hope. 

I see the damage that they did to you, that’s still being done to you. 

I see you still trying your best every single day. 

I see someone very easy for me to love. 

So I love you.

I see that you feel like a burden to the world. 

I see that you don’t know your own worth, because no one ever pointed it out to you before. 

I see that you have a big heart hidden behind those big walls. 

I see that you’re afraid to be yourself, in case it scares people away. 

I know that the fact that I love you may not make sense to you, but I love you anyways.

You see…

Every time you corrected yourself, I noticed. 

Every time you caught yourself and apologized, I noticed. 

Every time you took a breath and reconsidered, I noticed. 

Every small touch, every hug, every moment of kindness, I noticed. 

You are so much more than what you can see in yourself.

But I see it and I see you. 

I see your heart and what you wish you could give.

I see your creative soul and its confident resilience.

I see your drive even though you don’t have a clear direction.

I see everything in you that you don’t dare to see anymore. 

And I love you for it all.

I love everything about you.

I know you won’t accept this easily. 

I know you struggle to find your own truth. 

I know you have a hard time navigating your own heart and soul. 

I know there’s a storm raging inside. 

I know. 

You may not see it, but…

I see a sweet little boy worth nurturing. 

I see a goofy teenager worth guiding and supporting. 

I see a clever young man worth defending.

I see you. 

All of who you are.

And I love you.

I’ll love you when you most deserve it.

And I’ll love you even more when you least deserve it.

Because you deserve it.

Just for being who you are.

And you will never be unseen again.

Word Count: 495
Written: 2022
Non-Fiction, Flash
Image: stock
More info: this piece of writing is 100% true and based off my relationship with my adoptive son, who came from an abusive home.
He passed away in July 2023.


“Elegy for a Lost Soul”


“The Bear Forge”